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Environmentally Friendly Flooring

Fashion-forward sustainable flooring.

Environmentally Friendly Flooring For Your Home

When it first hit the market, environmentally friendly flooring brought forth images of bland, boring and unimpressive materials. Fortunately, this has changed, and environmentally friendly flooring is sleek, appealing and an attractive flooring option. Professional designers and homeowners alike are using environmentally friendly materials for their environmentally designed spaces. Floor Coverings International® carries a nice array of environmentally friendly flooring options suitable for any room in your home.

Popular And Stylish Environmentally Friendly Floors

Manufacturers are finding new processes and products that are sustainable and lend themselves well to flooring. As they create more environmentally friendly floor coverings, the opportunities to have a green home becomes easier. Floor Coverings International® works directly with manufacturers, so we have a direct pipeline of the newest environmentally friendly flooring available.

Environmentally Friendly Flooring We Carry*

Here is a sampling of the environmentally friendly and sustainable flooring options Floor Coverings International® can show you from our Mobile Flooring Showroom®:

  • Linoleum
  • Cork
  • Rubber
  • Stone
  • Glass Tile
  • Bamboo
  • Wool Carpet

*Not all flooring options are available in all areas, please contact your local expert for more information.

Read More About Environmentally Friendly Flooring

Recycled and Sustainable Floor Products

Glass bottles are converted into beautiful glass tiles for flooring and backsplash options. This renewable source is a budget friendly solution for kitchens, bathrooms and other rooms in homes from coast to coast. Glass tile has similar benefits of other environmentally friendly materials, and is easy to care for as well. It won’t mildew or mold in damp environments and is non-absorbent, so it won’t stain.

Cork is a new addition to flooring and is harvested from the bark of the cork oak tree. Because the tree is not cut down, the bark grows back, making it an ideal renewable source. Cork floors have antimicrobial properties that reduce allergens in the home and are naturally a repellent for insects. It is fire-retardant and easy to maintain, and keeps clean as well as accepts paints and stains easily, so it goes with any design style or color scheme. Floor Coverings International®’s selection of cork floors can last between 10-30 years.

Additional Environmentally Friendly Flooring Choices

Floor Coverings International® carries bamboo flooring, which is another flooring option that is gaining in popularity. Bamboo is a grass that is durable, easy to maintain and is easy for our team to install. It is a sustainable flooring product because bamboo grows to maturity in just a few years and can be harvested again quickly. Our Design Associates will help find the best bamboo flooring that works in your home regardless of decor.

Linoleum flooring is another environmentally friendly option because it is made from tree resins, wood flour, pigments, linseed oil, cork dust, and ground limestone. Since it contains cork, it has fire-retardant properties, and the linseed oil aids in its ability to repel water. Floor Coverings International carries a large assortment of linoleum flooring and can present them to you from the comfort of your home through our Mobile Flooring Showroom®. Linoleum is becoming a popular option again because it is a green product and a sustainable environmentally friendly floor covering. An additional advantage to linoleum flooring is its ability to last, holding up to a lot of wear and foot traffic.

Floor Coverings International® Is One Of The Highest Rated Flooring Companies In North America. With An Average 4.8 Out Of 5-Star Rating, FCI Delivers A Flooring Experience You’ll Rave About.

Let Us Come To You

No other flooring company has the customer satisfaction that we do! We are proud to bring the shopping experience to your door with our Mobile Flooring Showroom®. At Floor Coverings International®, our process makes customers for life.

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